Exposition de Maud Bonnet - Artiste plasticienne
Lans-en-VercorsLocation : Bureau d'information touristique + Centre culturel Le Cairn
From 04/03 to 21/03/2025, daily.
Event Organizer
Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Vercors - Bureau d'Information Touristique de L
Phone : +33 4 76 95 42 62
Bureau d'information touristique + Centre culturel Le Cairn
246 avenue Léopold Fabre
lans en vercors
- Accessibility criteria for people with reduced mobility :
- Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
- Reception desk between 70-80 cm high
- Doors >=77 cm wide
- Site, building totally accessible
- Even flooring with no obstacles
- Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
- Absence of protrusions > 2 cm
- Minimum aisle width of 90 cm
- WC + grab handle + adequate space to move
- Lift (80 x 130 cm) and door >= 77 cm
- Reserved space 330 cm wide < 100 m from the site
- Incline >5% but reasonable
- Accessible for all-terrain wheelchairs (self-propelled or accompanied)
- Accessibility :
- Reception staff sensitized to the reception of people with disabilities

246 avenue Léopold Fabre
lans en vercors
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 45.129414
Longitude : 5.584361
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